Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello to all...

This is my first post on my first blog...Honestly, I'm very excited! It was something that i have always had in my mind but couldn't find any time to start until i was emotionally attacked by a bitter and mean person who claimed that "Fashion is not glamorous!" I got so angry so to the point that I wasn't able to say any words..Literally choked by sadness..

Really? Do you think so? Do you really mean that? Well, here is my answer now; I'm extremely sorry for you "Madame X" but i think you're absolutely wrong! 100% wrong, wrong and wrong! I believe that many people in this world (including myself) do LOVE fashion just because it's an amazing tool that gathers everyone into an artistic, whimsical side of the life...Fashion inspires us, feeds us, gives us hope&joy and all the other beautiful feelings that we need in this cruel world in order to truly live happily ever after...
Anyways...It's time to move on and leave all the disappointment behind...No matter what, life is going on and life is going on beautifully:)
This blog is dedicated to everyone who believes that fashion is indeed glamorous...And to those of you who are never shy to say this and other courageous things outloud even though somewhere&somehow&somebody will try to destroy all your inner beauty and passion just because they don't understand or respect your values...I still forgive them because at the end our souls will be satisfied while theirs will be in doubt...

P.S I would like to send my best regards to that "Madame X", who in a weird way inspired me to realize my precious blog...I couldn't have started this without her negative attack;)




Be Glamorous;)

1 comment:

Celle qui écrit said...

Here it is: the first comment ever published on your already famous and ô! sooooo glamorous blog! :-) I can't wait to see what's next! And by the way, I DO believe fashion is glamorous! ;-)